Royal Ace Casino

Players from the UK seem to be especially fond of the Royal Ace online casino, perhaps because of its luxurious upper class feel or maybe because of our affinity with the royal family and everything royal. Well, it’s easy to see why anyone would prefer the Royal Ace Online Casino because they offer a truly VIP experience that makes one feel like a million bucks.

Royal Ace Casino Review: Money Matters

When playing with Royal Ace Online Casino, all currencies are converted into US dollars to simplify currency conversion issues. The operators, Emoney Processing Ltd, allows you to choose between a variety of deposit and withdrawal types, whether you want to you use your Visa or Mastercard credit card or bankwire, or prefer a third party payment method like Neteller, JCB or Click2Play.

One of the most important issues when looking at the money section of an online casino is to consider what the customer service team is like. You probably don’t mind shoddy service when you deposit ten quid at a casino, but how would you feel about them not returning your call after you have won a million pound jackpot? No need to fret. At Royal Ace Casino, your red carpet treatment is extended to the customer service team, who will always treat you like a VIP, twenty-four hours a day. The super customer care team gives you personalised care via chat, email or toll-free telephone. When I spoke to one of their customer care representatives, I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that Royal Ace Casino trains all their customer care staff to ensure they know all there is to know about online gaming.

Royal Ace Casino Review: Software and Games

Royal Ace online casino has a license in Costa Rica and they are overseen by Montana Overseas. Strict security measures are in place to ensure safe and fair game play.

This online casino uses Real Time Gaming (RTG) software, which guarantees that you will be playing with one of the top online software provider platforms in the world. RTG is one of my favourite game providers because of their large selection of games and the fact that I have never been disappointed by their innovative graphics or great sound effects.

Royal Ace Casino Review: Bonuses and Promotions

New players are treated to a free seven pound sign up bonus. Grab this no deposit bonus while you can, as they are few and far between in the world of online casino betting. They have several offers on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. To keep track of all of these amazing offers, simply sign up for their weekly e-newsletter or regularly look at their website’s promotions page.